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Kids Gone WILD Arts Inc. Workshop FAQs

My child doesn't have a lot of experience with art. Is Kids Gone WILD Arts Inc. right for them? 
Absolutely! Kids Gone WILD Arts Inc. is ideal for kids who want to explore the arts in a fun, creative, positive environment. Everyone creates their own style and projects, and there are no high-stakes auditions or extreme feats of training. Kids Gone WILD Arts Inc. is modeled after what we as arts professionals find to be the most important components of the arts: collaboration, a world that welcomes a diverse array of voices and ideas, and believing in what you've created. 

My child has a lot of experience with art. Is Kids Gone WILD Arts Inc. right for them? 
Absolutely! Kids Gone WILD Arts Inc. meets every artist where they are, and if that's somewhere that's extremely experienced, that's awesome. Every kid writes/draw/paint their own roles and leads their own projects, so if you've got an ambitious kid, please send them our way! We don't just teach art, we're artist, and we think of all our young artists as collaborators. 

I notice your camps are often for all ages. Why is that? 
Kids Gone WILD Arts Inc. love having a mixing different ages, skill levels, abilities, and interests. Since the beginning, we've had a broad range of ages in our workshops, and we've found that it allows younger artists to rise to the occasion and older artists to take on leadership roles. Also, siblings are usually in the same group, which is pretty cool, believe it or not. Because our workshops are small (15 campers or less), we are able to customize our curriculum. This level of individual attention means that everyone has a chance to excel. 

The camp my child is interested in isn't available for their age group. Can they enroll anyways? 
It depends. Please email us at or call (504)252-2089 to tell us more.

What does a typical day at camp look like? 
At 8:45, we start check-in. Once you've signed in your camper with the staff (don't forget to bring a lunch!), be on your merry way. Kids hang out in their stations getting ready for the day until 9 am. We typically start the day with a vocal and physical warm-up, games, and a review of what we'll be working on. From there, our artist-educators dive in to the writing, drawing, painting, or rehearsing for what we have planned. We break for lunch a little before noon and head for recreation afterwards. At 1 pm, we head back and spend the rest of the day in a skill-building workshop. Pickup begins at 2:55 pm and goes until 3:15 pm.

Do you provide before and after care? 
For Fall 2015, we are not providing before and after care. Please send in request for services. This service can be provided in the Spring. 

What is your refund and exchange policy for tuition?
Kids Gone WILD Arts Inc. has the right to cancel a workshop one week prior to the start date; full refunds will be processed if a workshop is cancelled. (This almost never happens, but we have to put something about it here.) If the purchaser (you) cancels registration for a workshop session, a full refund is available up until one month of workshop. There is a $50 administrative fee for any cancellations or switching between workshop sessions if cancelled after four week period. This is because we have a strict limit of 15 kids per session, so late drop outs mean that someone else missed out. :( No refunds are available three weeks prior to workshop). 


Kids Gone WILD Arts Inc. Party/Events FAQs


How do I know what party is right for my kid and their friends?
It depends! The main difference between our parties is whether you want face painting, temporary tattoos or Kids & Kanvas. There is always an option to have a live visit from SPARKLES. In terms of party duration, typically younger kids do better with a shorter party, and then duration goes up from there. For some events, the guest of honor has even come up with a script or outline that we are able to implement. Everything is customizable, so if you have other specific questions  or call us at (504)252-2089 if you want some suggestions based on our experience facilitating. 

My kid and/or some of my guests can be shy sometimes. Will they have a good time at the party?
We haven't lost one yet! All Kids Gone WILD Arts Inc. artist-educators are experienced with all kinds of kids, grownups, and groups. After a few minutes of warm-up games to get our creative juices flowing, you'll find that participants with many different personalities and experience levels feel safe sharing their ideas and expressing themselves. The structure of a creative theatre or movie-making party is often just the scaffolding a quieter participant needs to have a great time. 

Where do your parties take place?
We offer parties both in-home, in-office and at special locations.

I'd like to host the party in-home. What do we need to provide?
For Kids & Kavnas parties, we need a room that has at least 10 feet of floor space for table setup. We need at least 2 outlets so we can run power to them. So if you have a wall and electricity, you can have the party at your house! Tables and chairs for the number of guest participating in workshop.

Can parents stay during the event?
Sure! Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the unbounded creativity that will ensue. Please keep in mind that grownups may need to be "Quiet during the workshop!" to help us maintain focus, have fun, and get the best footage possible. The big lobby is a great place for parents to hang out if they want to chat or if we need a little secrecy before final theater performances. 

Who facilitates Kids Gone WILD Arts Inc. Art parties?
We work with a large number of New Orleans-based artists and artist-educators. Every party is staffed with at least two artist-educators. Depending on the type of party you book, you may get teachers who are filmmakers, theatre artists, musicians, costume designers, or all of the above.


Do you provide food and beverage? 
Nope! You can bring in any food and beverage you like and we will help serve it. For kids, we recommend keeping it simple. Pizza, cupcakes, juice boxes, and easy-to-serve finger foods have all worked well in the past. Did you know they also make this thing called a cupcake cake?? It's like a mass of cupcakes with unified icing so it kind of looks like a cake. Woah! If you require ice, please bring your own cooler. 

Do you provide tables, chairs, tablecloths, napkins, etc. for food and beverage?
Yes! At special events, we have tables, chairs, and all paper supplies - you bring the food and drink! If you have specific designs or color themes for your tablecloths, plasticware, etc., you will need to provide those. Our supplies are fun but unrelated to any specific theme.

Do you have costumes?
We have a couple of items on hand just in case, but we invite you to have your guests come in costume if you have a specific concept for the party prior to the day of the event.

Woah, that party was amazing. Do you do these kinds of events for grownups?
You betcha! We've created art parties with groups of adults so you can have just as much fun as your kids. You can pick any of the parties listed above and we'll customize it for you and your friends. We've also done parties as part of larger events, like retirement parties, anniversaries, birthdays, and family reunions. Hilarious!

Should I tip the teaching artists? 
Gratuities for exceptional teaching artistry can be accepted by teaching artists and are given completely at your discretion. If you would like a tip to be split amongst artists, please let the lead teacher know and they will assist. 

Parties for Parents FAQs

Wait...are these parties only for people who are parents? 
No!!!! Also for any grownups. We just tend to meet mostly parents since we work with kids. And we had to find a way to say these are parties for grownups in a way that sounded normal.

Why aren't there more FAQs here?
Because we need to write them. Send us questions and they will probably end up here.  


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